i spent the better part of my afternoon at the pediatric dermatologist.waited forever.
enjoyed the elevator music.
we were early, they were running late.
in the patient room we waited some more.
then magna cum laude hot shot walked through the door.he did NOT shake my hand.
he did NOT introduce himself.
he did NOT ask my name.
he did NOT ask max's name.
she was referred to as "the 4 mo. old."
and his hair was too spikey.
i did NOT like him.
not b/c of the hair.
i started looking for things that irritated me extra after awhile.
max smiled a lot at him.
i tried to give her the **nod wink** to begin some puking and pooping on him, but she continued smiling.
bless her.
magna cum laude hot shot asks me,
how the bumps began on
"the 4 mo. old's arm.""well, it started as..." and then he cut me off.
"it's a pilomatricoma, blah, blah, blah...common in children...blah, blah, blah, surgery to remove, blah, blah, blah..." he says.
did i mention i did NOT like him?
can't dr. N do peds too????
what's that?
a benign tumor.
referring to primary children's dermatology,
referring me to primary children's plastic surgery.
wouldn't be able to handle him doing it in the office.
what does he mean
HE KNOWS?HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME.did i mention i did NOT like him???
he google's it.
yup, looked like it.
can i leave now?
put max in her carseat.
asked for the numbers.
he ends the visit by saying,
"now when you go home and spend hours upon hours googling pilomatricoma b/c YOU'RE THAT KIND OF A MOM, i can tell, call me when you have questions."
HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME.and he said it in a jerky way.
and third of all, this is my SECOND CHILD.
i don't have HOURS UPON HOURS to google anything.
i only have AN HOUR to google it for all of my friends, relatives, and distant cousins.
so there!!!
consult with primary children's plastics in two months
then it's under the knife.
with the fancy mucho bucko drugs.
i don't like it.
any of it.
we'll see how the consult goes in aug.
i hope we NEVER have to go back to magna cum laude hot shot ever again.
but if we do i'm bringing someone with me.
so they can see hot shot and then totally justify me.
boo hoo.
i'm being sensitive. but really, at least call my kid by her name and pretend like she's a real person.
and use my name too.
NOW FOR THE UNEMOTIONAL DETAILS:hot shot can do it, but may not get it all and will leave a big scar.
not worried about the scar.
want them to get it all.
primary's derm can do it, but may not get it all & leave a big scar.
same thing as hot shot.
primary plastics can get it all and leave almost no scar.
i like the "get it all part" best.
the end.
brennan is obsessed with bugs.he points to his wrist and tells me he has a "bug bite" every day.
he did have one.
3 weeks ago.
it went away, but he claims it's still there.
we hunt for bugs, we find bugs, we love bugs.
so, big surprise, BUG'S LIFE is our latest and greatest movie obsession.
he acts out the movie and quotes the lines along with the show.
it's really cute.