Everything about our house is delicious.
The street.
The light fixtures.
The tile.
The linen closets.
The pantry I can spin around in.
The grass in my yard.
The stairs.
My closet!
Oh my closet!
The window treatments.
The garage.
I have a garage!
The hydrangeas the sellers left for us on the counter.
I want to roll around in the carpet.
Let the pork loin play all night.
Stay up for the sunrise.
I'm in love.
In so many ways.
The street.
The light fixtures.
The tile.
The linen closets.
The pantry I can spin around in.
The grass in my yard.
The stairs.
My closet!
Oh my closet!
The window treatments.
The garage.
I have a garage!
The hydrangeas the sellers left for us on the counter.
I want to roll around in the carpet.
Let the pork loin play all night.
Stay up for the sunrise.
I'm in love.
In so many ways.