i had just finished reading angels & demons.
definitely nothing "light" about angels & demons.
great book.
i was feeling not so super.
not so super in an, "i have to eat every 2 hours or i'll vomit" kind of way.
in an, "i'm so tired i go to bed at 8pm" kind of way.
the way where if you normally read a few chapters before bed that you skip your reading for a few weeks no matter what you're reading kind of way.
do you remember my post about
mother goose? click here.
rebecca knew mother goose in high school.
she is a popular LDS novelist and children's author now.
she sent me her latest book.
i'm FINALLY reviewing it.
be on the look out for the return of
altAred plans.
it took me back to college.
it made me remember how fun it was to live with roommates.
and how exhausting it was to live with roommates.
it made me remember the feelings i had dating the scout master, in his pre-scout master days.
and the other boys i tried to date, but couldn't stop thinking about the scout master when i was with them.
i loved that Caitlyn did not fit the "norm" of mormon culture.
how she opened her feelings and heart to you, but protected it from everyone else.
how she went from hating men (when her fiance left her the day they were to be married for another girl) to loving men...well, ONE man.
and how that man sometimes made her feel like
how some parts of her reminded me of myself.
the parts that i don't consider my finer qualities in some cases;-)
and the parts that i rather like about myself.
like being strong willed and knowing what you want for your life.
not being afraid to live what you believe.
knowing that staying home with children is NOT a waste of my college degree.
don't get me started on that one.
this book is definitely for a specific audience, and i really enjoyed the stroll down memory lane.
so here you have it folks,
click here to have your copy in "5-10 business days."
now, there's just one more thing i've GOT to know...
was it a true story?????