alright folks,
it's week 2.
and just so there's no confusion,
here's a link to the rules.
for the nitty gritty,
if you want to win a prize.
8 prizes!
from 8 lovely ladies,
including yours truly;)
don't forget to include the button code above with your post,
as several people forgot last week.
my very first seed sprouted.
i was the proudest little mama there ever was.
it snowed a whole lot.
over night.
and shut the power off.
max decided to start walking.
like cromagnum man.
she grew some hair.
like overnight.
my plants grew some more.
i learned about pinching.
i left for hawaii.
to visit my mom.
and then i came home and showered my family with gifts
the popcorn was popping on my neighbor's trees.
we did easter stuff.
i ate the kid's easter candy.
before easter.
and had to buy more.
it was lovely.
pb eggs.
pb eggs:)
i fired the groundhog.
b/c he's a man of LIES!
even though it was really pretty.
i had just had enough of being sick the entire winter.
this coming from a snow lover.
i was done with the snow.
and the winter.
and was convinced that if it became summer we would be healthy.
and we were:)
our trees blossomed.
breathtakingly beautiful.
and i wrote my all time favorite post.
it got warm.
we pulled out the sunscreen.
and bathing suits.
and then we were back in coats again.
we got the dirt ready.
all of my little seedlings.
and then it snowed.
but my plants lived.
even though spring just wouldn't spring.
i had a war with max's fire alarm.
which i still have not fixed.
swim lessons started.
we bought a whole lot of sand.
and had to go back and buy double more.
but ended up with an amazing sandbox.
my seeds really started growing.
brennan finally got potty trained.
summer decided to grace us with its presence.
our air conditioner broke.
i almost cried.
i did.
and then it got fixed.
and we finally started enjoying summer.
"man talk" began.
and we started living in the pool.
no really,
we did.
and when we weren't in the pool,
we were still in our bathing suits.
on vacation in our backyard.
it was father's day.
my sister came to visit.
we got really lazy.
it was
so link up!
and don't forget the button!
who's got the button!?