"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Thursday, August 13, 2015

somebody put me to bed

the other three roughed me up tonight.
{the end}

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

the wash.

brennan  used to be in chase's spot in the basket.
and chase use to be in dean's spot in the basket.
but when you're laundry room only has room for two baskets,
somebody had to get bumped from the basket.
and since brennan's room is at the bottom of the stairs off of the laundry room,
brennan got bumped from the basket.
so i just run his loot right down,
or if i'm feeling REALLY adventurous,
i have HIM run his loot right down.
and then i feel like i've taught my kids about a little 1st world hard work for the day,
and we can go back to jumping on the tramp and riding bikes,
and begging for more video games and stuff like that.
now say it with me:
"designated spots."
in the bins! my friends!
designated spots!
it's genius,
it's amazing,
and it's run my laundry room for 5 years.
easy to put away!
easy to not put away!
because it works like a dresser on TOP of your washer and dryer.
so convenient and handy you see.
people with lots of stairs can appreciate this.
people with kids with lots of stairs can appreciate this.
people with kids with lots of stairs without any time to put away clothes can appreciate this.
or just OCD people that like to have organized laundry can appreciate this.
i hang dry everything.
even baby clothes.
{except for jammies, and socks, and bras, and some other stuff that i feel like doesn't need to be preserved for time and all eternity.
and well, i do hang dry the japanese kimono jammies, and the elsa jammies, and my soma jammies. ok, maybe i DO hang dry SOME jammies. but not all the jammies!}
there, i said it.
don't judge.
just appreciate,
and wish you were my baby sister.
'cause one day,
she's gonna get some slammin' kid clothes hand me downs.
that look BRAND SPAKIN' NEW.
even baby onesies.
especially girl baby onesies,
as only one gibson ever saw those.
because they were all hung dry.
{which is also why i have black shirts that i wear 
that i bought 10 years ago that look brand new.}
THAT's what she said;)
laundry is my happy place.
it gives me joy.
and also, the kids can't get to it and dump folded bins out all over my floors.
at least they haven't figured out how to...yet.
{and wish you were my baby sister}.
the end.

Monday, August 10, 2015

ASSEMBLY {lines}

assembly lines make my life work.
you should see me have friends over for saturday morning pancakes:)
say it with me: assembly line.
also summer.
summer makes my life work.
don't make us go back to school.

remember NOT to

pizza night 
is all of a sudden 
looking different 
around these parts.
and it's giving me a run for my money.
i swore i would never!
the shredded cheese!
oh the shredded cheese!
it's mostly because of the shredded cheese.
{deep breaths for the shredded cheese...}
i'm gonna need to find a better system of cooking these bad boys all at once.
a better assembly line.
so i'm not cooking pizzas for 3 hours straight.
and also i need to remember 
 to sweep my floors on friday morning:/
because the shredded cheese.
oh the shredded cheese.
where it all began...

god bless uncle troy and his pizza oven at the family yard.