we got max napping, sunscreened ourselves, shoed ourselves, watered ourselves, and readied ourselves to go outside.only to find it was raining.
it was warm and humid.
i figured we would either get drenched on the way out and i'd totally regret going,
or it would sprinkle heat.
it sprinkled heat.
good thing, b/c i hate it when i'm wrong.
brennan ran around in the rain.

and i sat under the pavilion playing with my phone.

it was the first time the entire week that i actually enjoyed the humidity.

there was thunder.
loud thunder.
and 5 minutes of torrential downpour.
i felt like i was in iowa.
"is this heaven?""no, it's iowa."but iowa is pretty close.
and so is utah.

brennan became royally soaked.

and then max woke up.
i pulled him back to our house in a red metal wagon,
with wobbly wheels and chipping paint.
broiled salmon.
steamed some "trees" and rice.
had family night.
oh happy day.

the pork loin thought it was free refills.
it took a lot of explaining and bribery to get him to understand that you only get the one cup that you paid for.
b/c when mommy says, "all gone,"
she means the ice cream in your cup that she paid for is gone.
which is the same thing as, "completely gone."
and the ever flowing frozen yogurt fountains don't work like the milk in our fridge.
is this heaven?no, it's my life.
same thing;-)