i pushed the stroller around while the pork loin ran amuck.
he only cries when we go by the massive metal fake elephant.
scares him to death.
LOVES elephants normally.
a near obsession.
just not this one.
can't get in or out of the zoo without passing it.
so the poor kid gets his terror at the beginning and end of our trip each time.
he used to crawl up the stroller and into my arms.
now he just cries and covers his eyes.
it's adorably sad.
so we walked around.
it was about 30 degrees.
nice for salt lake this time of year.
wish there would have been more sun.
that's what i really went for.
and the chatting.
i love the chatting.
big scandal at the zoo this week is that the zebra's mysteriously died.
2 of them.
they are reporting no foul play as of yet.
i missed seeing them.
so i got on the massive scale after we passed the "spike-y pigs."
brennan got on first.
it said he weighed 75 lbs.
he weighs 32.
it said i weighed 225 lbs.
dr. N's scale and mine have not been telling the truth if this scale is correct.
or this scale is lying.
no matter.
it would have been more fun to have it tell you the truth though.
if i scrapbooked, it would have definitely made the book.
but i don't.
or does this count?
then i looked down to the comparison chart and saw this:

for some reason, being compared to any type of a newborn in weight makes me feel young and thin.
who cares if the word "elephant" is used in the same sentence;-)
in other news...
i've found that it is not possible to make a phone call to anyone at this point without them answering with one of the following phrases:
1. are you at the hospital?
2. are you in labor?
3. is it time?
and i absolutely LOVE it.
all of it.