taking care of before little miss max arrives is ma' toes.
there's nothing that says "let's push a baby out" like freshly manicured toes.
or i guess it's pedicured toes.
dr. N. reports that i am 50% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated.
at 41 weeks with brennan i was finally 1 1/2 cm dilated, so i am feeling quite happy with my early progress at 36, almost 37 weeks.
bree guarantees that this means i will be pregnant for at least 3 weeks or more.
dr. N. has offered to induce me at 39 weeks.
i don't think i have the strength to turn him down;-)
that means we have 2 weeks from sunday.
ma' toes are scheduled for next saturday.
i'm thinking pink.
with flowers.
"are you ready?"
that's the question i keep getting.
"how are you feeling?"
i'm ready and i'm not ready.
i'm ready to not have a baby in my stomach any more.
i'm not ready for the sleep deprivation.
i'm enjoying my sleep.
something i thought was not possible during pregnancy.
especially at the end.
i'm enjoying brennan.
so i'm feeling great!
sleep makes me feel great.
so do people caring how i feel.
nice to be cared about:-)
it's all very medicinal.
like freshly pedicured toes.
in other news...
the pork loin has not eaten a speck of dinner for 3 nights in a row.
he is still alive.
and fully pork loined out.
so i've stopped worrying about him starving.
and i'm appreciating more food for me, HA!