"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Friday, February 3, 2017

one squirt at a time

Chase was here 😳😂🙈. He says "Dean told him he needed more sauce." YEAH, dean doesn't talk pal #iwannabedean 👶🏼💙 #nomnom#momlife #picasso . Fostering creativity and #art 🎨 one squirt of ketchup ❤️ at a time 😂😂😂✌🏻 #gibsonhouseofchaos

Thursday, February 2, 2017

not throwing in the towel yet

Not even #dryshampoo could save me today 😳😂😜. I'm getting to #hotyoga tonight even if it kills me 😍👏🏻🙌🏻👙‼️ Can't be wasting a shower 🚿 the morning of 😂😂😂. P.S. I've concluded that natural deodorant is basically just perfume for your pits 😂😳. Nothing more, nothing less. Not sure if we will survive the #summer ☀️🔥🌴🌊💦 at this rate, but ya can't say I didn't try 😂 #notthrowinginthetowelyet#isthereanoilforthat #whenyouknowmore#doBETTER#orkeeptryinguntilyougettoostinkyinsummerandthentryagaininthefall#AForeffortright #right 😂🙈.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

wolf in sheep's clothing

When you make breakfast 🍳 for dinner and you can't figure out why the bacon tastes off 🤔, so you pull the wrapper out of the garbage and it says "pork slices" 😂😂😂. It looked just like bacon (until it didn't), but no, it was pork chop strips. It was bacon imposters! Have you ever even heard of these before??? I mean really, talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Don't know why I don't do this every single day 😍🙌🏻💕🙏🏻 #yogini#yogi #yogisofinstagram or whichever name you'd like to call me is good 😂. I #love everyone and the world 🌎 is at peace #thatshowifeelafteryoga #amen 😍🙏🏻 My #momlife is even better when I get this 90 minutes of #hotyoga once a week, and there's nothing like coming out into 35*

when the kids are away...

While Max is away...