"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Thursday, April 21, 2016


I almost didn't try plexus bc of this little bag right here. 

The name, the girl measuring herself, 

and the strip about weight loss across the top. 

It killed me 😳🔫. 

SCAM! And "just another fad" is what went through my head. 

What some of you don't know is that in college I struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food. It went on for about two years on and off and bc it was on and off, 

I kept it pretty well hidden. Im sure people had their suspicions who knew me really well. 

I have so much love for that girl I used to be. I wish I could go back and hug her. 

I was so unhappy with myself, and the only thing I could control was what I looked like. 

It gave me a high. Almost like a drug. I felt like if I looked a certain way, I would be happy. Thank goodness, through my lord and savior, many wonderful friends and family, 

and my amazing husband, I was able to heal and change my thinking patterns over a ten year period. It was a lot of work and a constant conscious effort, but I did it. 

That being said, I still had triggers. Exercise, overeating, and "diets" 

had to be a thing of the past bc they were triggers. 

I never wanted to go back to thinking those thoughts again, 

and so I put controls (this seems to be a common theme with me😂😭🙈) 

on myself to make sure I avoided anything that would trigger. I didn't trust myself. 

So a product that was marketed for weight loss and called Slim scared the CRAP 💩😰 out of me, especially bc I don't put pressure on myself to lose weight or look a certain way anymore. I am so proud of how far I've come. 

But, I was desperate for help with my milk supply, 

and Brooke wouldn't shut up about how great she felt, 

so I just did it. 

I have had so many blessings that have come from plexus, 

but one that I realized today is that for the first time in over ten years, 

my triggers are not there anymore. 

I trust myself. 

My body doesn't want me to soothe it with food, 

it doesn't want me to overeat, 

it craves exercise bc I have more energy, 

and when I'm hungry I naturally reach for healthy foods bc that's what sounds good. 

I'm so grateful that I am fully free, and I now love this little pink drink 

named Slim that's about so much more than weight loss.