i told my cousin audrey not to have sex until she was married.she's 10.
max was laying on the floor looking extra cute with her darling bow, little pink dress, and bright blue eyes flashing up at us.
i've been watching this show on mtv about teenagers that get pregnant and are thrown into taking care of babies in high school.
audrey watches the show too.
we talked about the twins episode.
so we sat there looking at max in all of her cute glory,
and i just blurt out,
"don't have sex until you're married!"they aren't so cute at 1am and 3am and 5am,
or whatever a.m. they chose to awake.
well max is, but it still doesn't make those times easy to be up at.

she shyly giggled and said, "ok."
thank heavens.
how many times do you think she'll have to hear that to wait?
turns out it was really good advice b/c i'm extra grumpy this morning.
not because max was up.
but b/c max slept 8 hrs straight.
good thing brennan was up screaming from midnight to 3am.
then max woke up to eat at 3am and was so stuffed up from the cold we all have that she didn't go back to bed until 4am.
sean is an awesome nose sucker.
he got her all fixed up.
and then everyone was up at 7:45am again.
i'm grumpy and exhausted.
i wouldn't change my life for one minute.
but thank goodness i didn't start this life at 16.
or by myself at any age.
b/c i couldn't do it at any age by myself.
i've got to give it up to the single moms out there.
b/c starting it at 25 with an amazing husband is hard enough.
and it's a lot more fun to take care of them when you are ready to enjoy them.
so 25, 35, 45, whenever.
just not 15.
b/c every girl on that show always has a final interview.
and what do they ALL say?
i wasn't ready for sex.
i wish i would have waited.
it wasn't worth it.
hindsight's 20/20.
i know you can have sex and not get pregnant.
and that lots of people have sex before they're married.
and they're great people.
amazing people!
maybe you!
to each is their own:-)
this is just what i told audrey as we were looking at max yesterday.
i want audrey to be able to soak up her very own max someday.
in all her glory.
b/c i feel so spoiled to get to soak up my max today.
that's all;-)