brennan, 8 weeks oldi have this picture framed on my wall.
it's a reminder of how far we've come.
i actually smile when i see it.
it is one of my favorite pictures.
it defines my child for the first 8 weeks of his life.
and a few months after that too.
it's all hazy.
i was too tired to remember the details!
too exhausted from shoulders that ached from holding a child 12 hours a day.
for which i now hold to be sacred time we had as mother and son.
i hated when people would ask me,
"oh, is he a good baby?"
how does a mother answer that question?
i say "yes," and i feel like i'm lying.
i say "no," and i feel like i've betrayed my child.
of course he was a good baby.
maybe not "good" by the standard terms of:
sleeps more
eats more,
but "good" by the term of "he's my son and i love him lots" ;-)
i don't ask people that question any more.
i used to, until i realized how traumatic it can be for a mother who is struggling to figure out how their newborn works.
i always thought i would know my baby right away.
he'd been in me from the beginning, so i surely must know him.
but i still had to get to known him.
and figure out where the heck the missing instruction book was placed.
i know God must have sent one with the stork.
where did i put it...
so if you've asked that question, it's ok, just don't ask it anymore.
ask, "how are you doing?"
"oh my, babies can be exhausting."
it's kind of like the question,
"when is #2 coming guys?"
don't ask that.
"when's it time for kids?!"
don't ask newlyweds, couples that have been married for a few years, 10 years, whichever.
don't ask those questions.
they seem harmless.
they really are just for small talk.
but take my advice,
find something else to talk about;-)
b/c you never know.
like the weather.
that's always a good one.
i love the weather in utah in june.
it's hot one day and stormy the next.
there's nothing like a day of 85* followed by a thunderstorm to cool us off.
it's just lovely.
or loverly.
like the rain in spain.
how it stays mainly on the plains.
i think i just found my next sunday activity...
and please don't be offened.
or embarrassed.
just more wise.
more wise.