sometime late last night sean came in to tell me he was going to pick brennan up at 5 so i could have a few hours by myself.
i tried to think of every excuse why this was a bad idea.
wait? why am i trying to think of an excuse?i don't know.
on my way to a friend's house i called sean.
"i forgot to remind you i'll be at stacie's, so we won't be home for you to get brennan. go ahead to your school thing and we'll see you later.""oh, i'll just come to stacie's."dang, he's got an answer for everything.
why was i trying to make an excuse again?
still don't know.
why is he offering?b/c he's great, that's why.
so he picked up brennan.
ann marie and i went out to dinner.
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, bajio!
do you know the jingle?
one pineapple shrimp and a mixed diet coke/dr pepper later i'm here at home.
with nothing to do.
no baby to feed, bathe, read books, get into jammies, or clean up after.
and i'm wondering...
what in the heck did i do with myself before i had a kid????dinner was extremely relaxing.
no child to feed, hush, or creatively console in public.
i just got to chat.
oh, how i love a good chat.
but now i'm home.
no child, no husband.
and it's weird.
not bad, just weird.
i finished my book last night.
in my hands.just added it to my top 5 best reads ever.
amazing woman.
holocaust rescuer.
can't describe how in awe i am of her courage.
can't imagine having to live in a world where i have my daily freedoms and choices taken away.
where fear ruled my life.
random find at the end of another book i read earlier this year.
still can't believe i almost didn't read it.
i need a new book now.
suggestions please.
there surely must be a new book on my stack next to my bed.
i fear i may be at the end of my stack.
how did this happen???referring to the end of the stack of books and the ability of knowing what to do with myself when my child is not present.
have you had this happen?
you surely must have had this happen.
i surely am thankful for the scout master.it felt really good to have a minute, even if i didn't know what to do with it the entire time.