Saturday, October 18, 2008
scaredy pants? NO SIR, dreamer!
5K run, SO fun:-)
we did it!!! let me first say how incredible it is that one person can unify so many people. sean, brennan, and i ran in a 5k this morning to help raise money for Stephanie Nielson (nie nie) and her husband (known as "mr. nielson"). if you are not current on my blog i have been participating in and working on fundraisers of my own to raise money for this family. they were in a plane crash mid-august and suffered severe burns. you can scroll down my blog to get a more in depth explanation b/c i want to focus on the fun of today!
even though sean loathes running outside on pavement, he woke up early sat. morning with me to get brennan ready and tote the three of us to provo for the run. i LOVE this man. we had a blast running together as a family. it was so uplifting to be out there in the morning air, thinking about how many blessings we have in life. the event organizers mentioned for all of us to be safe, and then as a 1/2 joke said "b/c we don't want to be back out here doing a run for you." we all laughed, and then i thought about is that fleeting. one minute we are worried about forgetting our cell phone at home and the next our lives have changed forever. life is so precious and stephanie has reminded me of that...
we finally got the courage to ask someone to take a pic for us. i know, sometimes i am super friendly and other times i am shy...strange phenomenon.
running the race, proof! there were lots of moms with babies, husbands with wives, single ladies, and even some kids on bikes.
so much harder to run while pushing a 22lb. baby up a hill. thank goodness sean did the major uphill pushing:-)
the FINISH!!! yes, that is my bright red face. no matter how in shape i am, the face gets bright red and everyone around me asks if i'm okay. it's the curse of the flush.
getting ready to have a meltdown b/c it's nap time (see first picture to see how the nap turned out!)
i was trying to distract him, but you can see the "pouty" face
Want to help the Nielson family!?
Scroll down to see my upcoming event NOVEMBER 18, 2008 in SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (7-9pm)! it's FREE to you. register at, attend the event, and we will donate $5 to the Nie Recovery just b/c you were there!!! the title of the lecture is "The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want," and the speaker is New York Times Best Selling author James Arthur Ray (seen on Oprah & Larry King Live). Remember "it doesn't cost a dime, just 2 hours of your time!" Hope to see you all there!
The same event and fundraiser will be held in Pheonix, AZ, December 2, 2008 (7-9pm) for all of you heat-lovin' people down south! Registration is available now at!
Friday, October 17, 2008
the brilliance of a box
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
EVENT 11.18.08: "it doesn't cost a dime, just 2 hours of your time!"

I have felt prompted to organize a few events to help raise money for the Nielson family. One event is already planned for November 18th in Salt Lake City, Utah from 7-9pm. The exact location is TBA. My father in law is an affiliate for New York Times best selling author James Arthur Ray, seen on Oprah and Larry King Live. If you will come donate two hours of your time from 7-9pm on November 18th at the speaking event we will donate $5 for each person to the Nie Recovery. The title of the event is "The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want," time well spent for you as an individual and for a good cause to help the Nielson family. This is an exclusive event worth $149 to attend, but we will provide the tickets for free. If 100 people attend we will donate $500, for 200 people $1000, and so forth.
Please go to to sign up for the event, and after signing in and attending the event we will donate the $5 amount per person.
Feel free to forward this email to any of your friends and family in the area. Every person's time will help. Don't hesitate to contact me with any ideas you may have in this effort with your fundraising ideas, including talents you may be able to contribute. I am working on several other ideas and events and would gladly welcome anyone's help. You can check out Stephanie's blog at or her sister Courtney's blog at to read about current updates on Stephanie and her husband. I have links to both pages from my blog:
Monday, October 13, 2008
stephanie (nie nie), my hero
(here is a link to the New York Times article written about the accident. you can also visit stephanie's blog and her sister courtney's blog from my blog. there is a link to cjanerun's blog under my "i read nie nie" link....enjoy.)