"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Saturday, December 17, 2016

once every HALF a decade

Abooooooout once every HALF a decade you'll find me at the lights 🎄 on temple square 🙌🏻😍 #lighttheworld ❗️it usually takes me about 5 more years to decide to #brave the crowds again after that 😂😂😂. Also to thaw from it ❄️🔥🙌🏻. Here's what I want to know though. Can we not figure out a way to have a hot chocolate 🍫☕️ truck 🚛 parked somewhere INSIDE of temple square 😂? Like one that doesn't have lines, and maybe they just pass them out to everyone while you're moving. I'm not necessarily talking free here. I'll be a paying customer! My #vision is like a moving sidewalk with thousands of people passing out hot chocolates. I'd settle for a McDonald's walk up window too. Mostly bc I'll buy just about anything for $1 😂. And their hot chocolate is never too hot. Or maybe it was just really cold tonight. Even after a 45 min train 🚂 ride home. No? 😂😂😂 too much to ask 😂⁉️ I HAVE always been a dreamer 😜👏🏻 #IMAGINE . I hope my fingers are thawed sometime tomorrow. My thighs too. Until then, I'll be huddled under my blanket and basking in the #cute little hugs and kisses my little kiddos gave me tonight under the lights all aglow 😍😍😍. Favorite line of the entire night: "I can't wait to just hug you and be together on #Christmas Day." -Brennan 🎄 So much like his daddy 💙💙💙 #motherhood

because we can do anything for one week

'Cause we can do ANYTHING for one week 😂😂😂🎄🚂🎅🏻. 7 more sleeps, and we can't hardly wait over here in this house 🏡 full of believers! #pleasesanta #dearsanta#christmasiscoming#santapacksarecoming 😂 #choochoo And Dean keeps yelling " #HOHOHO " 🎅🏻 every time the train goes by. In heaven over here in little kid 🎄🎅🏻🚂🍭🍫🍬 #CHRISTMAS DREAMLAND!!! .

Friday, December 16, 2016

good thing i clean my potties first.

So first the lion 🦁 fell into the toilet 🚽 (because he was refusing to get into the bath 🙈. Chase, not the lion 🦁), then chase ran into the handle on the door from the trauma of the lion 🦁falling into the toilet 🚽 and started crying and screaming even louder, and because baby dean 👶🏻💙 is a sympathy crier 😂😭 he burst into tears, and then right at that moment @sdgib walked in the door from work 😂😭. Just another day in the #gibsonhouseofchaos 😂😭 #neveradullmoment#nolionswereharmed #soap#workseverytime#goodthingiALWAYScleanmyPOTTIESfirst 😜🚽💁🏼 .

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

i can do hard things

I literally BURST 😭 into tears after taking this picture yesterday. Full on sob fest #uglycry 😭🙈. Then I made @sdgib promise me that we weren't actually "done" 💙👶🏻. It's like all of the #memories ✨💕 I've had with all of my #babies flashed before my eyes 👀 and my #mamaheart ❤️ was overflowing. Repeat to yourself 10x: collecting memories not things, collecting memories not things, collecting memories not things 😭😭😭. Somebody tell me they need some baby things or know someone that needs some baby things⁉️ I don't know if I can just drop them off at the #DI goodwill #collectingmemories 😭🙌🏻✨ #icandohardthings 🙏🏻💕 This is way harder than the Abercrombie pants!!! 😂😭🙈

WHIP in your NOGgins {good things utah}

Good Morning Sunshine!
If you're tuning in from 
Good Things Utah,
We're so glad you're here.
Whether you love egg nog or hate it,
this recipe is for you.
Please note: 
i don't love egg nog.
but this,
and it's just not New Year's Eve without it.
My friend Tammy is the one who I give ownership to it,
and one day I hope to grow up just like her.
{once mixed, CHILL--in other words,
make in the morning before party time}

1 pint Whipping Cream {heavy cream}
Powdered Sugar to taste {this is what makes more fluffy whipping cream}
4 eggs
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tbls vanilla
1 quart half and half
3 quarts 2% or whole milk
Vanilla Ice Cream

Whip 1 pint whipping cream, sweeten with powered sugar and set aside.
Combine 4 eggs and 1 can sweetened condensed milk.

1/2 tsp salt
1tbls vanilla
1 quart half and half
3 quarts 2% or whole milk

Fold in whipping cream and top with nutmeg.
Add small balls of ice cream before serving, and top with more nutmeg.
Click here for the Grandma Max's Gingerbread Men recipe.
They're also hanging out on the 
Good Morning America 
{yep, you read that right}
for their 15 minutes {errr 26 seconds} 
of fame!
way to go champs.
you're making mama proud ;)