6 months ago I was the mom whose kids had to drag her out of bed in the morning,
was cranky for a good three hours after that, perked up around lunch bc carbs made me the happiest 😂ğŸ˜, and then gave my kids screens from 1-3pm EVERY DAY with direct instructions to not talk to me or bother me bc this was my time to watch Netflix, eat Nutella and whipped cream (or Reese's pb cups) and/or nap, which would only make me MORE tired, but I had to have it to make it through the day anyway. I was always having to roll down the windows to my car during carpool, even with 6 screaming kids in the back, bc I would be falling asleep at the wheel at 3:30pm (after my nap mind you). Then I would get my kids to bed at 8pm ON.THE.DOT. bc I need a minimum of 3 hours of wind down time to eat Choc pb ice cream to soothe my anxiousness and zone out to endless shows on my DVR. My hair was falling out, my skin was peeling on my hands (no matter what lotion I used), I went to bed at 9pm bc I felt like I was 93yrs old, and I had accepted this as normal and what having littles had to be like. It was my badge of honor in fact! This is not normal, and I don't accept it anymore...I didn't know how bad I felt until I felt good.
"Don't pay no mind to the demons, they fill you with fear.
The trouble it might drag you down, if you get lost you can always be found."
if you're struggling like i was, you can try what worked for me at:
i used the triplex combo {slim, probio5, biocleanse} and xfactor multivitamin.