The dragon flies are circling my yard tonight.
And we are feasting on cherry tomatoes.
I spent the day alternating motrin and Tylenol with max.
She has gone no where without her binky, bunny, and blanky.
The boys left us with warmed up leftovers and no bake cookies, and headed to the block party next door.
After watching CNN all afternoon I have learned that every segment begins with,
"we have breaking news."
Even if it was the same breaking news as it was five minutes ago.
It was exciting the first two times.
Then it got annoying.
But I still can't turn it off.
How are we going to eat all of these tomatoes???

My bell peppers are FINALLY producing:):):)
And my sunflowers are about to tip right over.
I have let the weeds take over.
And am wondering if I wait another week if I will be able to get away with only weeding one more time before it snows.
Wishful thinking?
Please, tell me it's not.