1. drive to draper temple open house to drop off mom, richard, & leslie
2. pick up shannon (she lives a few blocks from the temple)
3. drive back to temple to meet up with mom, richard, & leslie
4. loose mom, richard, & leslie
5. ask temple volunteer to help us find entrance
(this seems easy enough,
trust me,
the tent mazes made this difficult...
i had flashbacks of climbing over the fence at the
salt lake temple
to get across south temple to meet my mom
at my cousin's wedding when i was 9...
that's a story for another day...just know that the fence
is high and pointy and i was in a dress...)

6. get escorted through a back side door of the temple with
by a lovely gentlemen temple volunteer
(thank you sir!)
7. led by
volunteer ladies
different directions
8. finally led to the entrance, where
asked us if we were lost
(this was due to the fact that we were at the "entrance," but not the start of the tour)
9. we still have not found mom, richard, & leslie at this point
10. no cell or text service
11. finally shannon and i decide to just go in and enjoy
12. enjoying baptismal font
(just the three of us inside, so peaceful, spirit so strong)
13. see mom, richard, & leslie through baptismal font window
14. smiling, waving, and jumping in the most reverent way possible
15. long last reunited!!!
16. finished tour together

mom, richard, leslie, me, brennan
(shannon was our photographer)

me, brennan

me, shannon
(my temple partner in crime...that just sounds so wrong, but i mean it in a good way!), brennan

we still had to drive mom, richard, & leslie back to their car at the bottom of the hill
(they bus everyone up to the temple for tours), so mom took one for the team and rode in the trunk to fit everyone in
(what a champ!).shannon and i decided that we will be the story in volunteer briefing this morning where they say, "if anyone asks you go in a different way, kindly direct them to the beginning to avoid confusion."
good thing it was the first day.
hopefully they thought we were investigators;-)
even funnier?
we all went to lunch afterwards and mom, richard, & leslie got lost on the way (funnier part of the story? we used their directions to get there. moral of the story? go in one car).
the end.