we were NOT supposed to cross this bridge.
but i'm glad we did!
i'm not sure if the silver fox agrees,
i'm thankful, nonetheless.

the pork loin and i are in CHICO.
one of my happiest places on earth.
it would only be happier if s.d.gib were here,
but alas, finals call.

so back to crossing this bridge.
it's the bay bridge.
we accidentally missed our turn off to chico,
ending up on treasure island.
the toll lady wouldn't let dad flip a U.
he was not happy.
we'll just leave it at that.

how did the rest of the road trip go????
a lot like this:
dear dad, can mommy buy one of those dvd things for the car?
love, your tender loin.
i know, i couldn't get my picture to rotate.
i am blogging from a fancy dancy iBook this week.
i know, you're already thinking i'm "cooler."
however, i have come to realize that i am
MAC illiterate.
the pork loin has been living off of ritz bitz.
see picture below.
we've been busy,
that's my only excuse.
it's a good one too.
it has been a great kind of busy.
a knock your socks off,
loving being around your best friend kind of busy.
sorry sean, we couldn't completely steer clear of the mall...
but i never went to buckle,
that should count for something;-)

don't you worry,
i've managed to get in some fruit snacks too.
that counts as one serving of fruit right???
okay, don't call CPS, we have had bananas.
and veggies, and tofu, and big fat noodles.
you chico-nians know that all of those things come from...
well, not the bananas part.
those came from stacy and ryan's kitchen.
we washed it down with a big heaping bowl of jon n bons frozen yogurt.
thoughts i've had...
teenagers kissing on the front porch are disgusting.
i hope they aren't out there on our walk tomorrow.
is pot legal in california?
there are many things that make me question it's not,
which leads me to believe it is...
two babies is harder than one.
TJ MAX is my new favorite store.
will i only think dieting is lame when i'm skinny?
or will i always think moderation is key?
i hope for the latter.
newborns are intoxicating.
1 yr olds are hysterical.
and DANG cute.
i am an idiot on MAC's.
but i feel so hip using one;-)
husbands are irreplaceable.
nap time is essential.
time stops on vacation.
i still don't like the wind.
65 degrees in utah is NOT 65 degrees in california.
why must i learn this lesson over and over again?
it's the optimist in me:-)
upcoming events:
1st's in CHICO:
sorority (go alpha gams!)
but not in that order...