i took brennan to a church thing last night.we didn't last long without a nursery to entertain him and ended up chatting with the young women in the hall.
it felt like
ditching class in high school.
i'm watching brennan drink out of a sippy cup.
this skill took 17 1/2 mo. to develop, and hallelujah it has.
feeling so proud, my eyes wander down into the cup.
i see something floating in his water.
the same cup that held
organic lemonade all day.
we had spaghetti for dinner, but this was not red floating in his water.
it looked black, maybe green. who knows.
so i opened the cup.
floating black things covered in white.
eyes widening now.
realizing it's
mold floating in the water my child has been drinking all day.
child screaming b/c he wants to drink the molding water.
thirst. it will do crazy things to a person.
so i go to rinse out the cup in the kitchen.
but where did the mold come from?
i look at the lid only to find it completely caked in black mold.
this is when they tell me i've won the
"mother of year" award.
then i spend the entire night trying not to think about said child drinking from a molding cup all day.
oh, and i boil the cup.