Saturday, November 22, 2008
"we've got spirit, how 'bout you!?"
my egg one was not too big of a hit with the kids, but i loved it!
please forgive me for posting this picture of your husband!!!
the "most team spirit" award.
yes folks, rourke is a true blue fan.
he shaved his chest hair in a "Y"
and then painted it blue.
awww, see, utah fans and byu fans really can get along;-)
"if so and so can put pressure on so and so...i hope pitta plays...
our offense this, our defense that..."
you know, stuff like that...
cougar blue family
like crafts like this?
click here to see more!
go beat 'em cougs!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
sink graduation
Thursday, November 20, 2008
nie nie update: home in utah

baby genius
nie nie home in time for byu vs utah
he called it,
"old school day 1."
tune in tomorrow for,
"old school day 2."
of course, he used some other fancy word for "old school" that i had never heard before and can't remember now. sorry dear.
also, i am still ALIVE and KICKIN' after not washing my grapes yesterday.
but, the most exciting news this morning...
(other than brennan sleeping past 6am for the first time since the time change)
was what i found on cjane's blog. cjane is stephanie nielson's sister. if you've read my blog at all in the past month you know that i have been following stephanie's story and even did a fundraiser of my own!
anyhoo, back to the
most exciting news:
stephanie and christian were transported
i know.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
(even when you're touching people's feet)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
today's the BIG day!

Monday, November 17, 2008
sports night, apparantly
let's change our flow to things i don't like about the suns. this week i have not liked matt barnes. matt is new to the suns and has not impressed me as of late.

barnes is screwing with my pheonix suns. last week he shoulder bumped a player on the rockets. nashy baby came in to beef, shaq came in to break it up (and with his pinky moved 10 people 5 feet), and the brawl continued. the whole game until then we were just "off." nashy baby was missing his shots, shaq was letting shots through.
rivalry week
rivalry week
if you are not from utah, let me introduce you to the biggest rivalry west of the mississippi:
byu vs. utah
rooting for byu or utah is part of the culture in utah. i think it's on the residency application when you move here: who will you root for? byu or utah? j/k seriously, families, friends, and wards are divided every aug. when football season begins, sean doesn't even like me to dress brennan in red on sundays from aug.-nov. the winner of the last game of the season gets bragging rights for the rest of the year (and through the entire following season). byu has won the last two;-)
grown men turn into prank pulling boys, decorating utah houses with byu colors and vice versa. the news stations put aside any kind of unbiased journalism and let their team pick be known. it is hilarious. we are of course a byu family. sean's parents have had season tickets in cougar stadium for over 30 years. the amazing part is that they have only lived in utah for 10 of those years. the other 20 were spent in california. the family would pile into the car friday night, drive all night to utah, go straight to the game at cougar stadium, eat dinner with grandpa gibson to let the traffic die down, and then drive all the way back to california that night to make it to church the next day. crazy, i know, but these are true cougar fans.
i LOVE it.
there's something magical about the big white Y. all season we root for byu to win, but the most important game of them all is the last game of the season against utah.
go cougars!!!
meet & greet monday!
profession: Actor
your dream performance (past/present/or future):
first play: Romeo and Juliet in 7th Grade English class. I was Juliet
Sunday, November 16, 2008
flour, salt, yeast, powdered milk, honey, canola oil
put my dough in the microwave to rise
punch down the dough, roll her out, make 2 loaves and ta da, delish bread
cook for 30 minutes at 350