the worst case i've ever seen in the little guy.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
the worst case i've ever seen in the little guy.
Friday, September 4, 2009
is the olive a fruit or a veggie?
i'm convinced brennan would eat olives at every meal, if allowed.
so my question.
can the olive be counted as both
a fruit & a veggie?
i'm no farmer,
but my logic tells me it is "technically" a fruit b/c it grows from a tree.
i think the distinguishing factor of a veggie is growing from the ground.
then there's tomatoes.
an exception.
so can olives be an exception in the veggie world?
my argument for the olive being a veggie:
if they're not a veggie, then why are they always on the veggie platter at every one of our family holidays?
there you have it.
a fruit & a veggie.
there's green in the color black.
then there's the green ones themselves (which i REALLY don't prefer).
so can it be counted as a green veggie?
i think i'm onto something here...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
orange juice, who knew?

pancakes and bananas.
they are 2 weeks apart.
the boys, not the pancakes.
yup, when his mommy was done being pregnant i still had 2 more weeks.
even though our due dates were three days apart.
or something.
yes bree, i'm STILL bugged about that!
off i went to my monthly doc apt for babe in belly.
155-160 beats per minute.
doc assures me that, in fact, i am pregnant.
i know, amazing.
i left dr. N's office with my ultrasound slip in hand.
the BIG ultrasound slip.
the one where we find out if everything is happy and healthy in there.
(and if it's a girl?????)
"anytime after the 14th of this month," he said.
well, i've officially paced myself and set it for the 29th.
@3:15 to be exact.
this snazy new place has all of the bells and whistles.
same doctor, just new ultrasound place.
1 hour, 3-D, lots of pictures.
i'm excited:-)
so i picked brennan up, and we brought wilder home with us for an hour or two.
they squealed and laughed the entire way home in the backseat.
so this is what twins is like, i think to myself.
they fought over the walker and the bike.
then they played in the play house together.
somehow wilder overturned the walker and scraped his tummy.
"mommy, mommy, mommy."
it was sad.
what fixed it?
orange juice.
the juice i gave them in their own big boy cups.
which they spilled all over the ground after their 3rd refill.
glad we were outside.
glad they made it through 3 refills.
wilder said, "uh oh."
brennan patted him on the back, looking very concerned.
i poured him some more.
it was darling.
oh. and brennan will be referred to as "talley" from this point forward.
says wilder anyway.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
time to feel myself up
date: jan 2001, a wednesday night
rare, but still, they have the breast tissue.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

in the dorm cafeteria of whitney hall.
cottage and english muffin.
top with cottage (4% milkfat, small curd)
i realize this may sound disgusting, but OH how delightful it is:-)
go ahead,
i dare you!
try it.
happy eating:-)
Monday, August 31, 2009

i love how they say,
"my irregularity was a problem. with activia once a day it's no longer a problem."
(big smile on their face)
why don't they just say,
"i wasn't pooping every day, but now i'm pooping every day."
(big smile on their face)
that part can stay the same.
that would make for much better tv.
especially late at night.
this picture was taken in his youth.
he is now the right bold age of 3 years old!
he'd red, he's blue, he has the prettiest flow-ie tail.
he's the coolest beta around.
happy birthday chuck!
we never thought you'd make it this far,
but HOT DOG, we're glad you did:-)
here's to 3 more!
(picture taken in my classroom on my first day of teaching, back in the day, awwww)