moles.i have them.
i prefer to call them
"beauty marks."it's much more dainty.

i'm irish.
fair-skinned and irish.
and "mole-ish" or "beauty mark-ish."
and "freckle-ish," for that matter.
whichever you prefer.
i worry about skin cancer.both of my parents have had skin cancer removed.
i wore sunscreen as a child, but had some pretty bad burns.
i lube up every outing now a-days,
as well as greasing down the pork loin
(who happens to tan through spf 50, who knew?!)but in my college years i loved to be tan.
i layed out in the summer and
cough, cough, cough....went to the tanning beds.
but only for 4 months!
that should count for something right???
so i worry.
about skin cancer.
do you watch grey's anatomy??!!
how could i not be worrying about skin cancer after this season?
so there's this "beauty mark" on my forehead.
it's been there since i don't know how long.
i've scoured childhood pictures and wouldn't you know, BANGS in every one.
i know for sure i had my forehead beauty mark in elementary school
(this makes you EXTRA pretty in the face when it's on your face).
then there was this cute little freckle on my big toe.
well, in the past year it's gotten a bit bigger.
and i'm beginning to think the forehead beauty mark looks differently too.
oddly shaped and multi-colored.
me too.
so, i'm all set to visit the
MOLE DOC manana.
i'm hacking off any beauty mark that i can.
i've got lots to live for and can't have MOLES interfering!
or cute little freckles.

and would you look what i sewed!!!!
all by myself.
sleeves are tricky,
but i conquered.
go me:-)
i've never seen sean so excited to have his shirt all "patched out."
it makes me REALLY happy.

rocky balboa is into EVERYTHING.
and i mean everything.
i've started hiding his toys in with my tupperware and cabinets in the hopes that he'll grab them instead of the maple syrup.
the computer this morning was exhibit 5 million, 2 hundred, & 89 thousand attempts to "get the little blue light."
i'd want to press it 5 times in a row too.
it's a really pretty light.
thank goodness for john with HP.
now, when can i have a MAC???

remember this pic from last week?
well, there's story that goes with it.

as told by mom:
I think you were about a year and a half old. (The picture was taken in the month of June). Your dad and I had won 2 free tickets to Helsinki, Finland at a company picnic party ( we had great company picnic parties in the 80's! They always gave away great free trips everywhere!) Anyway, we were on our way to Finland. We were dropping you off at your Aunt Sue's in Iowa. She took care of you while we went on our trip. So, that's the story of the picture.
and the most exciting part of our day???????
we got to meet him!
elder holland.he is a prominent leader in our church.
an apostle.
conversation as follows (next to women's shoes in nordstrom's)...
em: hi, elder holland! (pushing brennan in the stroller through nordstrom's)
elder holland: hello! (you know the wonderful voice ,big smile and hand shake)
em: i'm emily gibson. (BIG smile)
e.h.: well, good to meet you emily, you're beautiful, little thing! (i knew i liked him!)
em: thank you! my mom is carol mehr.
e.h.: no! you're kidding! it's so wonderful to meet you! i met your brother awhile ago.
em: nope, no brother, i'm an only child
(this may be confusing b/c i talk about my step siblings as brother and sister, but for realz, there's only one of me from pat and carol)
e.h.: no, i did!
em: only child as far as i know:-) (mom? dad? something you want to tell me?)
e.h.: oh yes, that's right, your mom's roommate was patty. i met her son! i'm sorry. how is your mother?
em: she's well. she just moved to hawaii!
e.h.: that carol, she is so spirited! (elder holland was mom's bishop in her early years out of high school)
em: yes she is.
e.h.: look at that baby of yours. he has "holland cheeks."
em: yes, very gushy (holla holla snarky!)
e.h.: well it was just so great to meet you, i love you! please tell your mother i say hello.
em: i will, so wonderful to meet you too.
and off we think i almost didn't go run my errands in the mall today!
yup, you heard it here first, elder holland LOVES me!
i knew it was going to be a good day;-) i should read my scriptures in the morning more often.
12 days to book club goddesses!
i'm on the last chapter.
i can't get myself to finish.
not because i don't like it,
but b/c i don't want it to end.
if you start tomorrow you'll only have to read 32 pages a day to finish by our discussion (30th & 31st).
so get to the book store and get crack-a-lackin!
loves to you and yours,