my neighbor is my mechanic.i've always been leery of mechanics.
those jiffy lube guys always look at me like their going to take me for the entire farm.
they hand me the sheet of things that need to be done, telling me it's necessary i fix items a, b, and c.
i have no idea.
at first i had them fix it all.
this was when my parents were still paying for my life.
then i had them fix some.
this was before we had kids and we both had jobs.
and a savings account with no real budget.
although, i still think we should have had a budget.
everyone needs a budget.
other wise you turn out like paris hilton.
then i had them only change the oil and asked sean what we really needed done.
now, i call john.
not only is he honest, but he gives better customer service than nordstrom's.
my car battery broke.
died (like REALLY died) 3 weeks ago.
he installed a new one in my driveway.
in the pouring rain.
my car needs an oil change this morning and the registration inspections completed.
he's sending a driver to come pick up my car.
"leave the keys under the mat."
that's what he said.
changing my oil.
doing the tests.
and sending my car back.
this can't be for real.
when i ask him why he's so great?
"you don't want to take 2 kids to the shop."
no, i don't.
but is this for real?
yes my friends, it is.
so if you live in the salt lake valley, i can't promise the drive up service.
but i can promise you'll get the best price and honest service for your cars.
he tells me all of the tricks other mechanics use to steal your money.
don't risk it folks!
call john at RAY'S.
b/c a good mechanic is like a good OB.
priceless, lol.
in other news...grapes.

i don't usually wash them.
but then i read this on the label.

i don't know what sulfur dioxide is.
but i do know what fungicide is.
and it doesn't sound like i want sulfur dioxide on my grapes.
but i may be wrong.
i washed them anyway.