flu.pounding head.
body aches.
high fever.
shaking body.
figures i would get sick on dr. scout master's first day of work.
only snapped at him once.
it was sad.
i was grumpy.
cousins dropped off dinner.
i went to bed at 7pm after feeding the baby.
woke up to snap at the doc and then again to feed max sometime in the a.m. hours.
she grabbed her toes for the first time yesterday.
4 mo. old.
now i'm just weak.
and feeling badly about snapping.
but feeling really special about the flower brennan brought me to make me feel better.
melted my heart.

let's hope i'm the last one to see this sickness.
staying home sick is just not as cool when you're all grown up as it was when i was in elementary school.