Brennan is still recovering from the flu.
Bonefied flu.
The good news is that for the first time in his life I was not the one he puked on.
His bed was the casualty,
Which i have determined is the most ideal place to puke as far as clean up goes.
I stripped everything straight off and threw it into my washing machine.
I touched zero puke.
I cleaned zero puke.
It came out as good as new.
Thank you whirlpool.
The bad news is that it appears max has the beginnings of it now.
Which explains why no one is eating.
My day feels all off without needing to feed anyone.
There's this vapid space of time that is not being filled by food, and I don't like it!
I do like that my sunflowers look like jack and the bean stock and I do like that my pumpkin plant is as long as shaq if he were going to lay in my garden.
I do like that I have one little red tomato that went from green to red overnight.
I do not like that my computer broke, except for the part that I like about getting a new one.
Which is why we will be looking at small pictures on my blog for the next 7-10 days.
Courtesy of blogpress (thank you) and HP (no thank you).
Say it with me friends: