i couldn't wait another second!!!
ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, i give you...
emilisq's bloggin' bookies!
do you read?
do you love the smell of books?
do you want to learn to love to read?
can you NOT stop yourself from buying books?
here it is:
1. one book every OTHER month will be posted.
2. during the last week of the OTHER month i will post questions and such i had while reading.
3. in the comments section you will be able to list your questions, answers to other people's questions, things you found interesting, humorous, tacky, downright weird, etc.
4. then i'll post our next selection. i will take recommendations on which books YOU want to read, but have many up my sleeves for you shy people out there;-)
(imagine: YOU in a bloggin' book club, anyone watch dr. oz on oprah?)
i've been holding onto this little post for a month now,
twiddling my little typing fingers until feb 1st, and i caved. i had to sneak you a peak the night before my planned launch. i just got too excited,
so are you in?!
good, me too.
our first book for FEB/MARCH will be...

the secret life of bees
by sue monk kidd
happy reading!
get excited!!!