i'm not gonna lie, i had anxiety about leaving the pork loin,
but who can say no to red roses?!
he showed up baring these:

MANGO connoisseur
sorry ladies, he's taken;-)

i'm a sucker for cherry topped beverages

wait, i already am.
i'm not gonna lie, i had anxiety about leaving the pork loin,
but who can say no to red roses?!
he showed up baring these:
MANGO connoisseur
sorry ladies, he's taken;-)
there's no room in our fridge for the food.
it's outta sorts too!!!
my phone has become my camera.
thank goodness it's snazzy.
kind of like the park in our backyard.
no really, it's a park.
at least that's what people call it.
well, it used to be called the compound, but then people started thinking we were flds polygamists.
so now we call it a park.
and no, we're not flds polygamists.
we're just crazy people that live by our family.
lots of people in our family.
cousins, mothers, grandmothers.
this isn't making a good case for my title is it?
i'll explain later...
are you sick of me talking about running yet?
then you must not have taken the challenge.
look. my friend bree.
she's not sick of hearing about it anymore.
wait, did i just use comparing one person to another to motivate you?
i'm sorry, i know that doesn't work.
what i meant to say is i've seen some of your posts on running.
that you're trying it.
loving it.
growing from it.
check out bree's post today. click here.
and put on your runnin' shoes!
i wasn't even the one who motivated bree to run.
i was just one of her crazy friends that liked running.
"em, i don't run."
i know, but you should, you'll love it!
tonight's a great night.
the weather's warm.
leave the kiddos with your hub,
the school books on your desk,
the "things to do" on the list.
and then tell me about it.
or blog it.
i promise you'll feel super!
and prettier too;-)
and if you've never read any of my running posts,
click on the link below.
oh, and if you're really up for a challenge you can join bree and i july 24th for the deseret news 10k!!!! (bree, are you registered yet??? or am i gonna end up doing this alone;-)
yes, i'm serious, we'll meet you there.
and run together:-)
click here to register.
and then tell me so we can cheer each other on getting ready for the race;-)
are you reading with us yet?
click here to get started!
based on a true story???