"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
there's more to this story, but that's for another day {maxine turns 7}
Happy Birthday 🎂🎈🎁🎉 to my little miss Max!!! Things about Maxine you should know...She loves #emoji 😍💕👸🏼, shopkins, making arts 🎭 and crafts 🎨, #shopping 🛍, #dance 👯, and riding bikes 🚲. Her nickname is HP. It stands for Hell 👹👸🏼Princess. She doesn't know that's what it stands for, but she will flip on a dime and you won't even know what hit you 😳👸🏼👹. One time when she was 2 ✌🏻️, she and Brennan took two bags of pb and regular #chocolate 🍫 chips out on the tramp. It was hot. They melted. I used to think Brennan was the one causing the trouble bc he's older, but we now know the common denominator for events such as this is always Max 😂🙈. It's just her gift 🎁 to always be thinking and creating and planning. It may look like mischief now, but I know it's going to take her big places all through life 🙌🏻💕. She's learning to play piano 🎹, and her teacher tells me she's in the lead for practicing minutes. Every day she sets a timer ⏲ on #Alexa , and we go down to the keyboard in the basement to take turns practicing together 🎶. She's a perfectionist, and I #love watching her wrestle and learn through it #thestruggleisreal 😳. When she gets hungry, watch out. She'll eat hot 🔥 lunch, but asks for home 🏡 lunch 🍴 about once a month, and this all came about because Brennan was going through the hot lunch line 🌮🌭🍗 #adventuresinhomelunch every day without asking, and eating his home lunch too, which went unnoticed for about three months until max ratted him out and it alllllllll made sense 😂. There's more to this story, but that's for another day 🙈. So now I've just succumbed, and basically they know they've won and are in charge #thestruggleisreal ✌🏻️. At bedtime she asks me to scratch her back and tickle her arms and face. She loves to read chapter books 📚 "quiet and in her head," and her teachers tell me that if they could just have a room full of Maxine's, the world 🌎 would be a perfect place. I love you #littleMissMax 💕👸🏼😍!!!
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