"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Monday, June 25, 2012

s'mores in the summer 101

monkey do.
it's hot.
so i spent 5 hours in the pool with my kids.
{i don't think i've spent that much time in a pool myself since i was a kid.}
floating might be the best feeling on the planet.
i'm beginning to love our mondays:)

note to self:
s'mores in the summer are not fun UNTIL the sun goes down.
if the sun is still up it's just too hot.
{it does however melt your chocolate for you. very helpful.}


Susan Anderson said...

That first photo is SUCH a keeper!


Rebecca said...

love that he copies dad

Amy said...

Your boys are TOO CUTE! I love it. And now I need to find someone with a pool so I can spend the day in it with my kids. That would be absolutely perfect. Refreshing is the word, I think.
How on earth are you so gorgeous and thin after giving birth? So jealous of that, but happy for you.
A little trick on the s'mores: put the chocolate on the graham right next to the fire. It makes it all melty. Though the sun in the middle of the day would work too.