"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

i think they said they saw a dog

reasons why i love this picture:
1. no one wearing pants
2. tippy toes on fence, slightly drooping fence
3. brennan's crack {maybe this should be #1}
4. max's pig tails
5. wondering what they are peeking over the fence at
{i think they said they saw a dog}

these two.
i love them.
but most of all,
i love that they are friends.
{except when they are fighting, but even then they are still friends. 
just fighting ones. that hug it out after. you know? cats and dogs. cats and dogs.}


Susan Anderson said...

This is one of the cutest photos ever.


Amy said...

That crack makes me laugh. Best. picture. ever! The end.