tonight was not one of those nostalgic nights of motherhood. the pork loin refused to eat his dinner. instead, he put his rice, peas, and chicken (that monica lovingly made for us, thank you monica!) into the different sections of his high chair tray. then it was the flying fork. the flying spoon. the flying food. accompanied by that new shrieking sound he's been doing. you know the one? the high pitched one, followed by the yell? that one. off to the bath it was. as i'm drying him off and lotion-ing his chunky little body i thought about how he had only peed once on our bed. i was so glad that had only happened that one time, months ago. the pork loin scrambled off to the other side of the bed, with a big smile on his face. i tried to coax him back by offering him his toothbrush. then a look of comfort and joy came over his face. my eyes widened. i looked over the blankets with sheer terror, only to find a huge pile of pee nicely puddling between his legs. thankfully not poop, as i've already dealt with that on the treadmill this week. all i could say was "oh no brennan, no!" he started to cry. i felt badly. dang i was regretting not putting that diaper on before the lotion. especially since i had already done the last load of laundry for our vacation travels.
i miss you. dinner was lonely tonight. i put on some music, but your chair was still empty. your side of the bed is cold, which actually feels good on my toes, but never feels as safe. i wish you were here to watch dog the bounty hunter with me tonight. to laugh at the pork loin peeing massive amounts on MY side of the bed. to ask me to cuddle, only to be refused b/c it's too hot and i feel blah. to help me google how to get pee out of a mattress that had no mattress pad on it to soak some of the pee up in. oh how i wish i had bought that mattress pad last time i was at bed, bath, and beyond. so i put the little man to bed. he gave me a big smile and then farted. a LOUD one. then he laughed. it was funny.
i'm off to figure out how to clean the mattress. bro. ruff said the bishopric night at camp went well and that you're doing great. it made me miss you more. i'll bet the boys are learning so much and having a blast with you.
i shaved my legs and painted my toes today. you know how dr. N is about toe nail polish. i can't wait to hear our little baby's heart beating tomorrow, but i am sad you won't be there to indulge in it with me. alas, you make me so proud, and i'm glad you are working so hard this week for the scouts. did it rain at camp today? the clouds came in and i wondered if it was raining on your tent. i'm off to scrub the pee out of the mattress.
p.s. i entered a giveaway today at my most faithful commenter's site. sue is a staple in our home and she can be one in yours too! click here.
Oh, you poor thing! What a hard night for you. I love the letters you write to your hubby. They are so sweet and wonderful. I swear I am not copying you, I wrote a post that will publish tomorrow all to my dear hubby. I guess it is in the air right now. At least he gets back on Saturday, right? Good luck with the pee.
Oh I am so sorry. Why do these things always happen when we are on our own? I hope the rest of the week goes perfectly for you.
you paint such a clear picture. that letter is so cute to sean. he seems so special to you. i've only met him once. it was at quiznos in rexburg. he thought i was the other stacy. funny. thats so exciting about the heartbeat! cant wait to hear about it!
Love this post...AND the letter. So cute.
And how exciting that you are hearing the baby tomorrow! I'm still having a vicarious thrill about your impending boy or girl.
PS. Thanks for the link!
Oh, yuck. It wasn't *regurgitated* smoothie on the treadmill. It was . . . I'm so, so sorry.
Oh little boys! I hope your appointment goes well!
Fabulous trick to get pee out of the mattress. Get your iron all STEAMY hot and mist/spray said pee spot with a little water (add a little white vinegar if it smells)put a white terry cloth towel on the spot and iron it away. It may take a few times if it was really bad but it works like a charm!
p.s. sorry you got peed on
Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are very excited for you!
i love these letters! i think i may start doing that on my blog :) you're so cute! hope the "accident" came out of the bed! And congrats on hearing the heartbeat! I'm excited to find out what the little one is!
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