"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


today i dressed us all in long sleeves,
and pants.
{thank you thank you fall weather}.
it rained all day while we ran errands.
not hard.
just enough to enjoy the sprinkle in and out of the car.
sean's birthday present.
safety and emissions for the van.
new brake pads.
turning the rotors on the back wheels.
and such.
vehicle registration.
watch battery.
cha ching cha ching cha ching.
my house is back in order.
and it's a lovely place to be:)


Rebecca said...

what a cute picture still not cool enough here for pants yet
Come Say HI

Amy said...

Both in white and black stripes. Darling! And we all rejoiced when we could pull out the long sleeves. The night I got to use my new coat was a very happy night indeed!