"experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." -randy pausch

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


the one time in your life when you can have a double chin
and everyone adores you for it.
how did we ever survive without him???
going on a date between nursings,
no makeup,
and sleepy-eyed.
we must have a newborn:)


Emmy said...

Did he behave for your date? Oh I so want sushi now!!

Susan Anderson said...

Glad you got a little time out together. That's important!

And he is adorable, by the way. (The baby, not Sean.)
(Well, Sean too, actually...)


Amy said...

I have often thought about how sad it is we can't all be chubby and cute like we were as babies. Why is baby chub cute and big person chub not? So don't get it.
Glad your date was a smashing success.

Amy said...

I have often thought about how sad it is we can't all be chubby and cute like we were as babies. Why is baby chub cute and big person chub not? So don't get it.
Glad your date was a smashing success.